About Us

Hog Roast Northern IrelandHog Roast Northern Ireland is proud to serve tasty morsels of food to so many customers, old and new, and just as proud to be the number one choice both locally and further afield. For years now we’ve perfected the art of the hog and spit roast, catering countless special occasions and delighting thousands of people overall at both formal and informal parties. From corporate meals to birthday bashes and christening menus to wedding feasts, we’ve covered all budgets and many types of venues, with our professional, committed team members preparing, cooking and serving gorgeous food with a smile, both indoors and outdoors. We’re confident that you’ll agree that our service is second to none but we know you’ll also agree that our flexibility and provision of variety and choice are also important when it comes to catering your special occasion.

Your Party, Your Food, Your Choice

With Hog Roast Northern Ireland as your catering choice, you’ll see that the food you want to be served at your event is all your own choice and not ours, regardless of whether you want a hog or spit roast or something else. While we cook amazingly meaty roasts, we offer lots of other options, so that everyone you invite will be able to eat on the day. If you’d like additional dishes with a hog or spit roast, that’s no problem. We could alternatively cook you our Southern Slow Roast Menu, with three marinated meats and four sides, or a barbecue, or perhaps help you to devise a menu with several courses plus canapés and even a drinks service. And if you need any special diets catering, like gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan, we have all kinds of homemade choices to whet their appetites too. Whatever you need, Hog Roast Northern Ireland can do you and your guests proud by satisfying everyone’s hunger.

The Best Hog Roasts in Northern Ireland

Hog Roast Northern IrelandLike many others before you, if you do prefer one of our sumptuous, best-quality hog roasts, it’ll be the highlight of your party or event. Visually, a Hog Roast Northern Ireland centre-piece hog roast looks incredible and the smells will have everyone’s mouths watering. Then once you take a bite, you’ll see how it’s packed full of flavour, with tender slivers of juicy meat and crispy crackling to die for, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try one sooner.

What are you waiting for? Give us a call today to hear so much more about us!